Sometimes, you just feel like you want to be a part of something larger, sometimes, u wish u were invisible and nobody would notice u. At least, i know i do. Why do we feel that way though? What circumstances do we face that make us wish so? Is it the way we deal with these situations or is it the situations themselves? I don't know. I really don't. And it frustrates me to not know. Because i want to. Ok, now i'm getting annoying.
It would be so much easier if we knew exactly what was going to happen when and where because u'd feel so much more at ease. Just the fact that u're not gonna be caught unawares, brings you an unexplainable relief. I just wish that were possible. Knowing what's gonna be next and preparing for that is much less a hassle than otherwise. I'm running out of things to say, so i'll shut up now. Bye.

that, miss, we call herd mentality.
typical teenage behavior, wanting to fit in, to not be noticed.