
(picture courtesy:blank noise)

i think it's time i liven up this blog and forget about the entire concept of the x-men who, frankly, as much as i love them, are boring as hell.
let's talk about a current menace, a problem, no, not global warming, though that can be covered too, let's talk about eve-teasing.

There are loads of sex-starved, deranged, psychotic men who believe that the sole purpose of women's existence is to satisfy their fragmented souls and their base passions. They stoop to such low levels that it is creepy beyond measure. They'll do anything, these bastards, to have FUN. fun!!!!! more like abuse.

These men are serious perpetrators of injustice who deserve to suffer for their twisted thinking. Seriously, MEN like these are not men. They're bloody eco-villians. I think it'a time we call Captain Planet.

3 Responses to “ ”

  1. yeha. so lets wear our coloured rings and shoot laser beams from them to meld into captain green-hair-planet. wait, green hair is hari kesh, innit? so our hero shd be harikesh, right? but i digress......such b*stards should be blinded and castrated and they should be tied up in a pillory for a year and a half, so that we can throw rotten stuff on them. especially the dirty old men.
    but sadly, india being a democracy, we cant do much about it. kinda makes one wish for the medieval ages and stuff like the iron maiden. :X .

  2. why dont we try gandhigiri?

  3. and to think some foolish loco females actually worked on such flicks....fie upon em, i say.