Self-defence classes. An absolute must for everyone. male or female. but mostly female. for obvious reasons. Recently, i joined a community on orkut:Stop violence against women. A particular anonymous user, choosing to be anonymous for personal reasons, published a topic regarding the opinion of rapists. Claiming to fantasise about it, he firmly believed that it was partly the woman's fault, as well as these so-called male....uh, fantasies. What kills me, is that MR.ANONYMOUS has absolutely no respect for himself. and his male buddies. and his female counterparts. in a nutshell, the human race.
He has the nerve to say that women actually fantasise about getting raped..or whatever the sophisticated term for that is. Excuse me, MR. ANONYMOUS, but last i checked, a fantasy was something that people want to happen. not fear. Dumb arse. I might be a littlt judgemental and srtongly opiniated, but i refuse to condone or even acknowledge that rapists such as yourself, MR.ANONYMOUS attribute these serious personality flaws to women.
But, like my mother says, a pox on you.
u lowly you-know-whats. but she doesn't say this part.

hope u posted a blistering comeback at him/ cud hav been a psychotic nymphomaniac woman, innit?
u really dont know much about fantasies....not dat i support mister anonymous.........."the world is filled with all kinds of sample cases", so said a great man. u will definitely find, albeit EXTREMELY rarely (1 in a million), such depraved women.......some women even get an orgasm only when they are being choked, to give an example. there is even a medical term for it, but i 4got watsit........
also, rape is not about sex, its about power. the bastard schweinhunds who are rapists commit their crime only because they love (if such a vile passion can be labeled under such a pure feeling) the sense of power it gives them.....
for one thing puli, it didn't seem to be a woman's mainfestation of feelings and for another, ur extremely rare case of one in amillion is too less a probability to even consider.
so, i flatter myself in thinking that most MEN have such fantasies, and as for rape being about power; that is true. But, there is an additional factor of pure lust for sex and the more harmless and vulnerable a particular victim may be, the more fun it is. THAT bit is power. But, it is intiated by a need for sex.
maybe, u haven't heard, but males think about sex almost a couple of times every minute.
hi! nice blog you have here. i must say these guys give the rest of us a bad name. Rape is inexcusable. All this talk about women contributing to the act is all crap.