Does the mane maketh the man? Does it? I've always thought it does. For the simple reason that a haircut or a hairstyle can make your day an absolutely delightful one or a terribly torturous one. Now you might say I'm shallow. I am. I agree. But in this case, I'm honest. The lovely feeling of light-headedness and happiness that you get when your haircut's probably the best thing that's happened to you in a long time beats the headiness you get after a quick succession of shots. The floaty sensation you get when you realize that the numerous head turns are a testimony to a job well done. The contentment that wells and bubbles up inside you is positively overwhelming. It makes you feel on top of the world, with an unconquerable spirit and a powerful pride. All you need is a flaming chariot with seven stallions pulling it and you're set to rule the galaxies.
Screeeech. What if? What lies at the other end of the spectrum? Deep down in a hole under the ground where only the moles abound? What if your hair is a catastrophe? It's certainly not the end of the world, but it is the unfortunate demise of your self-confidence and smugness. Don't get me wrong, it is not the be it and end all, but as I am on a personal high after my own rather pleasing outcome, I have chosen to ramble on about the inexplicable virtues of the aforementioned haircut. Now if your hairdo is (God forbid!) rather uhh....unappealing, EPIC FAIL. You realize that something as ostensibly insignificant as hairstyles can cast shadows on yourelf.
Archive for May 2010
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