Archive for September 2007
The Times of India has a ridiculous supplement:the Bangalore Times which is filled with the crappiest of news articles. Is it of any genuine importance or value to anyone as to who is breaking up with who, and who is going out with who, which actress has recently lost oodles and oodles of weight for which movie and who is pregnant with whose kid. I must say, there are far worse issues at hand than some fashion faux pas.
i recently saw the 'hinglish' movie 'page 3', and it is a definite eye-opener. It reveals the mind-numbing, brain-dead activities that celebrities indulge in. How pathetic. It could almost induce catharsis. The obsession with appearances has transcended into the extreme and fanatical. plastic surgeries, botox injections, face lifts everywhere.Nobody knows how old anyone actually is anymore. which is kind of the point. Does real beauty and charm have no value anymore?
Of course not. But, you knew that. didnt you?
There was an India Today issue about teens and tweens going to parlours and blowing big bucks on 'improving' themselves. For what? Boyfriends? Crushes? Well, boo-frickin-hoo. (That's my favourite phrase from this book that i'm currently reading:Sloppy Firsts-Megan McCafferty.) I understand that their love lifes are so important to their self-esteem and contributes to their social status, but this is going too far. Then again, maybe it is a manifestation of adolescent and prepubescent angst.