I'm back after a long time in Dullsville! I was busy with some school stuff that i had to catch up on. So, what's up everyone? Anything interesting? Let me exactly tell you who the X-men are for those of you who don't know.
There are apparently several people all over the world who have an extra functional X-gene which is dormant in everone else. This gene triggers some changes in the fundamental structure of DNA and the effects manifest in different ways which is why each one has a unique ability.
In the animated series, a bunch of teenagers with these abilities are called mutants and they have to learn to deal with their new powers and maintain a low profile in society which is obviously difficult. This is a picture of them in the animated version which is really good, by the way.
Archive for 2006

Yesterday, I saw X-men 3. It was great! I kinda knew what would happen, so i wasn't completely stunned, but it was still amazing. The fight sequence was brilliant and everyone who hasn't seen it yet should definitely do it. Some of the dialogues in the movie are very clever and catchy.
They show a lot about Jean's history and her rebirth as the Dark Phoenix. Wolverine and Pyro are as cool as ever and there are some unexpected changes in the movie. Callisto is good too.
Hey everyone!!! Go see the movie!
And u can leave comments if u like!

I am dying to see the new X-men 3, but i haven't as yet. Got some stuff to do. So, if anyone's seen it, please tell me how it is. U could leave a comment if u like. Well then, what's happening people? I am as bored as hell and there's nothing that i can do about it. My favourite X-men characters are Pietro Maximoff, Kitty Pryde, Wanda Maximoff, Kurt Wagner, Toad, Pyro, Bobby Drake, Storm and Ray Crisp from the cartoons and definitely in the movies: Wolverine and Pyro. That Aaron Stanford is such a heartthrob! He's really cool, what with the fire thing and all. Even his cigarette lighter rocks big time!
I know very few people who know and care about X-men as much as i do. So, I kinda need a vent for all my opinions and feelings. That's what blogs are all about, right? Sharing your views and emotions and the like???

Does anyone ever feel like people don't understand them or that they feel insecure and left out for no reason? Well, the X-men feel that all the time just because they're better than everyone else. I think it's kind of crazy to be hated for something that's not your fault, but then, i guess that when God created Earth, he didn't count on it to be perfect. I feel that people, whoever they are, whatever they may be able to do or not do, should be accepted by everyone else and become a part of the global society. People are different in loads of ways; we should just be a little more understanding and tolerant. Enough with the lecture. Moving on to the X-men.......