Does the mane maketh the man? Does it? I've always thought it does. For the simple reason that a haircut or a hairstyle can make your day an absolutely delightful one or a terribly torturous one. Now you might say I'm shallow. I am. I agree. But in this case, I'm honest. The lovely feeling of light-headedness and happiness that you get when your haircut's probably the best thing that's happened to you in a long time beats the headiness you get after a quick succession of shots. The floaty sensation you get when you realize that the numerous head turns are a testimony to a job well done. The contentment that wells and bubbles up inside you is positively overwhelming. It makes you feel on top of the world, with an unconquerable spirit and a powerful pride. All you need is a flaming chariot with seven stallions pulling it and you're set to rule the galaxies.
Screeeech. What if? What lies at the other end of the spectrum? Deep down in a hole under the ground where only the moles abound? What if your hair is a catastrophe? It's certainly not the end of the world, but it is the unfortunate demise of your self-confidence and smugness. Don't get me wrong, it is not the be it and end all, but as I am on a personal high after my own rather pleasing outcome, I have chosen to ramble on about the inexplicable virtues of the aforementioned haircut. Now if your hairdo is (God forbid!) rather uhh....unappealing, EPIC FAIL. You realize that something as ostensibly insignificant as hairstyles can cast shadows on yourelf.

It makes me want to be violently sick all over. The atrocity and barbarity of the terrorist attacks on the luxury hotels and Nariman House in Bombay is just unjustifiable in the name of any God. What exactly triggers these educated youngsters to choose the path of death and tragedy? What fuels their hatred? What drives them to the point of intolerance when they can no longer accept different ways of life and as a means of ending their own personal torture, create a living hell for other people? It is unfathomable to me that someone would choose to end countless innocent lives as a means to achieve an impossible end. Is extermination of other races and religions a declaration of supremacy of Islam? Or if it is not the question of religion, then what is it? Why do they feel threatened?
It was a popular conception that ignorance was a primary factor in the advocacy of terrorism. However, it is apparent today that most terrorists are educated and extremely intelligent, so brain-washing is out of the question. Is it that they lack even an iota of common-sense to carry out such vehement acts of injustice? The Deccan Mujahideen have 'claimed' responsibility for this heinous crime with possible links to Lashkar-e-Toiba. Dont they have a conscience they have to answer to? The widespread damage of property, the loss of life and the lack of a moral and social responsibility are characteristic of numerous terrorist groups that are operating all over the world. The question i'm unable to find an answer to is: What do they get out of it? What do they get by murdering innocent men, women and children? What could their motives possibly be? In fact, is their brain circuitry operational? All of them possess a certain degree of intelligence and so, they should be able to rationalise the consequences of their actions. Its excruciating to the average human being to know that any life is in possible danger simply by going to theatres, malls, restaurants, hotels and other public areas. Do we not have a right to live? There is a constant fear in our hearts and minds due to the frequent, for lack of a better word, attacks on civilisation. An act of terrorism does not affect a particular group of people, it strikes a sombre chord with the people of the world. It is foolish for a terrorist outfit to claim that their actions are intended for a certain sect of the community as they could not be more wrong. Will it never be evident to them that the cause they're trying to safeguard is entirely lost? I personally feel that in order to understand what they go through, we have to narco-analyse one of them so we can plan well in advance to counter the attacks and possibly, prevent them. For instance, the terrorist who was captured during the Bombay blasts should be analysed to determine the cause of his misplaced anger and wrath. Some effective action should be taken by the politicians who have simply been taking a backseat in the actual governance and security of the country and concentraing on amassing large fortunes. They should realise that they have an obligation to the people who have elected them as representatives and elected them to their positions of power. Maybe this is what's supposed to happen, maybe this is what God wants. The ned of the world is supposed to come anyway, isn't it?

The Times of India has a ridiculous supplement:the Bangalore Times which is filled with the crappiest of news articles. Is it of any genuine importance or value to anyone as to who is breaking up with who, and who is going out with who, which actress has recently lost oodles and oodles of weight for which movie and who is pregnant with whose kid. I must say, there are far worse issues at hand than some fashion faux pas.
i recently saw the 'hinglish' movie 'page 3', and it is a definite eye-opener. It reveals the mind-numbing, brain-dead activities that celebrities indulge in. How pathetic. It could almost induce catharsis. The obsession with appearances has transcended into the extreme and fanatical. plastic surgeries, botox injections, face lifts everywhere.Nobody knows how old anyone actually is anymore. which is kind of the point. Does real beauty and charm have no value anymore?
Of course not. But, you knew that. didnt you?
There was an India Today issue about teens and tweens going to parlours and blowing big bucks on 'improving' themselves. For what? Boyfriends? Crushes? Well, boo-frickin-hoo. (That's my favourite phrase from this book that i'm currently reading:Sloppy Firsts-Megan McCafferty.) I understand that their love lifes are so important to their self-esteem and contributes to their social status, but this is going too far. Then again, maybe it is a manifestation of adolescent and prepubescent angst.

our railway station in bangalore is both gross and hip. on the one hand, there are wonderful steel dustbins, excellent lighting, computerised ticket-purchasing, top-notch restaurants and whatnot. at least, more or less. but the sad part is, that people refuse to maintain it that way. buggers. they are completely comfortable with throwing banana peels and wrappers right where they are standing when the dustbin is less than five feet away.
what is that? be he/she rich/poor, they are all alike. all without the innate sense of cleanliness. or maybe, they all keep their houses neat. after all, it is just a public place. why bother? hypocrites. dont they have a conscience at all? it is so repulsive to see people spit and pee, and do other obnoxious activities without the slightest sense of shame or regret. and then, they wanna be cool. dress nicely, eat in fancy places, shop till they drop. i'm talking about the educated ones. the ones who claim to be in the midst of everything happening. but, the basic sense of public hygiene is lacking. they may be nice people, they may be very nice people, no denying that, but thet're dirty.
and then, everyone blames the government. the classic example of refusing to take responsibility for your actions; determined not to acknowledge their shortcomings. well, its practically impossible for the government to hire agents to stalk each person to ensure that they do their bit to keep the environment safe and clan. i mean, is it too much to ask?


Self-defence classes. An absolute must for everyone. male or female. but mostly female. for obvious reasons. Recently, i joined a community on orkut:Stop violence against women. A particular anonymous user, choosing to be anonymous for personal reasons, published a topic regarding the opinion of rapists. Claiming to fantasise about it, he firmly believed that it was partly the woman's fault, as well as these so-called male....uh, fantasies. What kills me, is that MR.ANONYMOUS has absolutely no respect for himself. and his male buddies. and his female counterparts. in a nutshell, the human race.
He has the nerve to say that women actually fantasise about getting raped..or whatever the sophisticated term for that is. Excuse me, MR. ANONYMOUS, but last i checked, a fantasy was something that people want to happen. not fear. Dumb arse. I might be a littlt judgemental and srtongly opiniated, but i refuse to condone or even acknowledge that rapists such as yourself, MR.ANONYMOUS attribute these serious personality flaws to women.
But, like my mother says, a pox on you.
u lowly you-know-whats. but she doesn't say this part.

Sometimes, you just feel like you want to be a part of something larger, sometimes, u wish u were invisible and nobody would notice u. At least, i know i do. Why do we feel that way though? What circumstances do we face that make us wish so? Is it the way we deal with these situations or is it the situations themselves? I don't know. I really don't. And it frustrates me to not know. Because i want to. Ok, now i'm getting annoying.
It would be so much easier if we knew exactly what was going to happen when and where because u'd feel so much more at ease. Just the fact that u're not gonna be caught unawares, brings you an unexplainable relief. I just wish that were possible. Knowing what's gonna be next and preparing for that is much less a hassle than otherwise. I'm running out of things to say, so i'll shut up now. Bye.